Ontrack 2.24
Ontrack 2.24 is now released.
Simpler and faster home page
The home page loads faster, especially when there is a lot of projects. Only projects you select as favourites will have their full details being displayed:
To select a project as favourite, click on the star on the left of the project's name. To remove it from your favourites, click again on the star.
Reviewed documentation
Ontrack documentation is now available per release on the project page at http://nemerosa.github.io/ontrack/:
You can access the documentation as a single HTML page, as a PDF or the Javadoc of the core components of Ontrack.
Automation of configuration
One important feature of release 2.24 is also the possibility to configure Ontrack programmatically using its DSL.
By downloading the Ontrack DSL Tool, you can now execute DSL scripts against a running instance of Ontrack, allowing you to configure it automatically when creating a new environment.
Complete release notes
The complete list of features, enhancements and fixes is available in the release notes.