Ontrack 2.30 ... and 3.0

Ontrack 2.30 is now released... and the version 3 is finally out of beta.

Validation stamp filters

You can define, manage and use validation stamp filters
in order to reduce the clutter when having too many validation
stamps. Those filters belong to a branch but can be shared at project or global level.

Bulk update of validation stamps

When validation stamps become very numerous, it becomes a pain to
update their image or description among all the projects and
branches. With the buld update
of validation stamps, you can now update all validation stamps
in one go.

Redesign of the user menu

The user menu includes now a filter entry to quickly find
an item.


Ontrack 3.0 is now officially there!

No change compared to version 2.x but one thing: the storage of
the data is now done using Postgres, instead of H2.

A few points:

A feature specific to V3 is also the possibility to store the
secrets (used for the encryption in Ontrack) in an external
service like Vault.

Complete release notes

The complete list of features, enhancements and fixes is available in the release notes.